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Az Bulutlu
Per 11°C
Cum 13°C
Cts 10°C
Paz 7°C

Traditional Wine Horses race of Calatrava comes back as UNESCO heritage


More than two years after the last edition due to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, and after having achieved the declaration as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, Los Caballos del Vino (the Wine Horses) have returned every May 2 to the streets of Caravaca de la Cruz, in an epic, emotional and unforgettable display for residents, tourists, and lovers of traditions. With crowds, horses, and speed, a combination that implies risk, but which in Caravaca de la Cruz has been assumed since the Middle Ages, since this equestrian event has existed

Decking out the horses with their best suits, 57 horse clubs have participated in the traditional race with the attendance of 150,000 people dressed in white shirts and red scarves, in an exciting day in which the horses travel in just a few seconds 80 meters to arrive at the esplanade of the Castle-sanctuary of Caravaca.

A tradition that has culminated in the victory of the mare “Bulería”, from Peña Calimocho, who ran the section in 8.257 seconds after a difficult start. In fact, that same mare was the winner of the last edition of the Caballos del Vino, in 2019, for which she revalidated her leadership three years later.

Caravaca de la Cruz is the scene of some unique celebrations in the world from May 1 to 5, and they include the tradition of the Wine Horses, declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. The Festivals in Honor of the Santísima and Vera Cruz are also, as a whole, of International Tourist Interest.


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